The VSCANSep 27, 2019Understanding and responding to seizures.It can be pretty scary to watch your beloved pet have a seizure. You feel helpless, out of control, and worried about what this means for...
The VSCANJul 22, 2019Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)One of the primary issues that we manage at the VSCAN is Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD). IVDD can affect animals in different ways...
The VSCANApr 2, 2019What you should know about: Post Surgical RecoveryWhen your pet comes home from having a surgical procedure they are dependent on you to provide them with a safe and clean environment for...
The VSCANMar 25, 2019Understanding Cranial Nerve TestingEach and every neurological patient that comes through our doors gets a neurological examination by one of our specially trained doctors....